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KIC Experimental Postdoctoral Fellowships

Experimental Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunities 

KIC postdoctoral fellows are high-profile, 2- to 3-year postdoctoral positions with significant independence and resources. The KIC Fellows program is designed to attract the best and brightest young researchers in nanoscale science to Cornell. They will have access to the unparalleled resources and faculty available at Cornell in nanoscale science and technology. Previous KIC Fellows have gone on to professorships at major universities around the world. Fellows work in partnership with Cornell faculty sponsors on projects consistent with the KIC mission. 

While KIC’s primary fellowships are for experimentalists, we encourage theorists to apply for the Bethe/KIC and Wilkins/KIC Theory Postdoctoral Fellowships.

The 2024 application cycle has not yet opened. 


The KIC fellowship provides 50% funding for the Fellow’s salary, plus associated fringe benefits, in addition to an annual research expense account. The Cornell faculty sponsor is required to provide the remaining 50% salary + fringe.

Criteria for Selection:

KIC Fellows are expected to begin their Fellowship shortly after being awarded their Ph.D. Applications will be judged on the qualifications of the candidate, the quality and originality of the proposed research, and its suitability to the KIC mission. All Fellows agree to put the KIC byline on all publications and presentations during their appointment.

A KIC Fellowship application must have at least two Cornell faculty sponsors, as well as the pre-approval of a KIC executive committee member. The executive committee member need not be a sponsor, but they will play a role in overseeing the Fellow’s progress and helping to integrate fellows into the activities of KIC.

Application Materials Required:

A complete application packet in .pdf format contains:

  • One-page description of the proposed research, including:
    • Descriptive title.
    • List of faculty sponsors at Cornell, including KIC Executive Committee member.
    • Description of a major component developing or utilizing next-generation tools for imaging/control at the nanoscale.
  • Candidate CV, including list of publications.
  • Letter(s) of support from Cornell sponsors; one letter signed by multiple sponsors is acceptable.
  • Two additional letters of recommendation (e.g., from thesis advisor, collaborators).