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June, 2019: KIC members Eun-Ah Kim and Seamus Davis use machine learning to analyze the data generated by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) to provide valuable information unattainable by any other method.
May, 2019: Incoming KIC Postdoc Kelly Luo has been selected as one of eight 2019 Cornell Presidential Fellows. Luo’s research involves two-dimensional hybrid material systems. She plans to work with Professor Dan Ralph‘s research group when she arrives in September.
April, 2019: KIC Director Paul McEuen, KIC member Itai Cohen, and former KIC Postdoctoral fellow Mark Miskin were featured in the New York Times on April 30, 2019 for their ground-breaking (and KIC-funded) microbot research.
April 2019: Exotic behaviors emerge in atoms when cooled to near absolute zero, a temperature so cold that atoms cease their jittery movement. By bringing the isotope helium-3 to the brink of that threshold and confining it to a tiny space, KIC member Jeevak Parpia discovered that a surprising polka dot pattern spontaneously appeared in the superfluid. 
April 2019: As a genetic material, DNA is responsible for all known life. But DNA is also a polymer. Tapping into the unique nature of the molecule, KIC members Dan Luo and Shogo Hamada have created simple machines constructed of biomaterials with properties of living things.
March 13, 2019Professor Hong Tang (School of Engineering & Applied Physics, Yale University) presented a Kavli Distinguished Lecture entitled "Integrated χ(2) Photonics."
March 2019: Assistant Professor of Physics and KIC member Brad Ramshaw has been named as a recipient of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship. This award supports early-career faculty members' original research and broad-based education related to science, technology, and economic performance.
March, 2019: Former KIC Postdoc Marc Miskin, now Associate Professor of Electrical and Systems Engineering at UPenn, presented his ground breaking work on cell-sized micro robots at the APS meeting in Boston March 4-8. The nanofabrication techniques were developed at Cornell with his colleagues (and KIC members), professors Itai Cohen and Paul McEuen.
Feb 2019: A nano-sized guitar string vibrates and crackles in an unexpectedly organized and intricate way, according to KIC Director Paul McEuen, whose research group devised a way to listen to a nanoscale guitar for the first time – and then played the Cornell alma mater on it. Their work was published in Nature Jan. 21.
October, 2018: Héctor Abruña, KIC executive committee member and the Emile M. Chamot Professor of Chemistry, was named the recipient of the Allen J. Bard Medal for 2019, one of the highest honors of the Electrochemical Society.